Meditations on Love

Peace and Love

Whether you meditate or have so far not, here is a simple meditation to connect you with Unconditional Love – the Great Healer.

Sit or lay comfortably, maybe with some relaxing music softly filling the room, breathe easily, just notice how you are breathing, there is no need to change it, just notice if you are breathing shallow or deeply, fast or slow, into your chest or into your belly.

Just follow your breath in and out and allow yourself to relax into your breathing rhythm.

Then as you inhale, breathe in peace………. (use thought intention)

As you breathe in peace allow it to fill your lungs then radiate out through your body, as you exhale, imagine all the tensions and unwanted thoughts being exhaled.

Continue breathing in peace for a minute or two.

When you are ready on the next out breath breathe out Love – Unconditional Love……..

Continue the cycle, inhale peace, exhale Love.

As you exhale Love, imagine or visualise that you are breathing out into a bubble that surrounds you, enveloping you, surrounding you with Love.

With each out breath the bubble grows, any thought, any feeling, or any person that comes into contact with this bubble is transformed into Love.

Continue breathing in peace and breathing out Love until you feel totally relaxed, then slowly open your eyes, whilst allowing your focus to stay on Love.


Know that you can take yourself back to this feeling of being surrounded by Love whenever you wish.


Transforming furnace

This meditation will take you to a place within you, that provides your energy for life and Love – in oriental medicine the area of the body that encompasses the three lower chakras is called the triple warmer.


Sit or lay comfortably, maybe with some relaxing music softly filling the room, breathe easily, just notice how you are breathing, there is no need to change it, just notice if you are breathing deeply or shallow, fast or slow, into your chest or into your belly.

Just follow your breath in and out and allow yourself to relax into your breathing rhythm.

As you inhale imagine, visualise, feel or sense a deep crimson red light entering or being drawn into the top of your head – into your crown chakra, feel the warmth and passion of this light as with each in breath it enters further into your body….

Feel, imagine, sense or visualise this light igniting a furnace within your torso,

You may wish to visualise it as changing colour much like a real fire or furnace, so that at its most intense it is deep red around your base chakra,  giving you a strong base and connection to earth that sustains you and your Love through any challenge.

Then becoming powerful orange around your belly chakra,  feel this filling you with strong creative energy, that allows your joy to flow easily into your world, your world of Love.

Then it becomes a vibrant yellow at your solar plexus,  giving you the power and confidence to be you as you move through the world with Love.

Feel the power of  this furnace deep within you, a furnace that takes in all unwanted feelings and thoughts and reprocesses them into Love.

Now  feel the warmth and passion for life and Love, filling you from within as your furnace releases the transformed energy, so you can pursue your passions in life, so you can live a passionate life.

Each unwanted, negative, unloving thought or feeling is simply transformed and fuels your life the way you are meant to live it, with passion, with Love.

As you focus on your breathing, and feel the warmth of your furnace, if any negative thoughts come into your mind,  just allow your furnace to do its work, to transform them into loving energy for you.

Simply relax for a little longer, in connection with your inner fire, and listen for any messages it has for you.

Simply know that you have this power of transformation within you, and that you can connect to it, summon it to work for you whenever you choose to do so.
